Terms & Conditions
By requesting work, you are agreeing to pay for all services rendered. All clients must pay an initial payment to initiate any work, which depends on the total estimate quoted.
All quotes are prepared using our estimate of what work will be needed. As such, all quotes are estimates and subject to change. Since all service work is subject to variance, we provide a minimum and maximum amount of the expected work. If during the process of working on a project additional time is needed beyond the quoted maximum, all work will cease until a new agreement can be made. Reasons for additional time may include discovery of a problem not recognized during the quoting stage.
Fairness of Unbillable Time
Time is money, but we still give a fair amount away to our clients. Phone meetings, brief consultations, and research are often treated as unbillable time. Any unbillable time costs our business twice – we lose both the income from the unbillable time as well as the amount that could be generated working on another project. We may require compensation for performing beyond the reasonable time expectation of what we deem an unbillable service.
Change Requests
Projects often change while being worked on. In the event that the changes require additional work beyond the expected work not yet produced, the project will be halted until a new agreement can be made.
Cancellation of a project will not release the responsibility to pay for the work already completed. Regardless of reason, you agree to pay for the work preformed. Upon cancellation, a final invoice will be prepared billing the remaining time worked on the project. In the event of a project being cancelled before any work is done, a cancellation fee of $30 will be assessed and any amount paid in advance will be released back to the client minus the cancellation fee.
Initial Payment
Any amount collected at the beginning of a project, stage, or milestone is a retainer for access to our services. You agree that, other than by cancellation, the amount is non-refundable.
We calculate the initial payment based on the quoted amount. For quotes below $250, the initial payment would be 50% of the minimum quoted amount. For quotes $250 and up to an including $1000, the initial payment will be 25% of the minimum quoted amount. For projects larger than $1000, the work will be split in to milestones and the initial payment will be never larger than $250.
This initial payment may be called a deposit, a pre-paided deposit, an advance, or similar phrases and you agree that regardless of descriptor uses that an initial payment will always be treated per the terms described in this section.
Our hourly rate is $60 per hour for all services. Any fixed rate projects for smaller projects are based on the same rate and subject to the same conditions above.
Release of Work
In all cases where an initial payment is used, any remaining balance due must be settled before final files or product is released. You agree to not contest payments or perform chargebacks in any event, including failure to receive files due to an unpaid balance.
Late Fees
If an expected payment is not paid within 30 days of being invoiced, a late fee of 4% of the remainder due will be accrued per month unless prior payment arrangements are made.